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Ways of Decreasing Your Risk of Developing Cavities

Posted on 6/30/2019 by Northstar Dental
Ways of Decreasing Your Risk of Developing CavitiesOne of the most common dental problems we see in our practice is cavities. Cavities develop when the bacteria in your mouth, which is normal, but then it combines with the food particles or acid left on your teeth after you eat or drink. The bacteria causes plaque to form and begins the decaying process which results in cavities. Cavities are simply holes in the enamel of your teeth.

The problem is, if they get too large, food particles can lodge in areas your toothbrush can't reach and the decay continues unabated. This can lead to cavities that reach the root of your tooth and eventually to more expensive and time-consuming repairs.

The good news is there is a lot you can do to prevent the development of cavities. Obviously, at the top of the list is good oral hygiene practices. Next on the list is to make semi-annual visits to us so if a cavity is developing, we can fix it early and relatively inexpensively.

What Can I Do to Stop Cavities?

First of all, you should brush your teeth twice a day, preferably after breakfast and before going to sleep at night. When you brush, don't scrub your teeth or use a hard-bristled brush as both can damage the enamel. This will make it easier for cavities to form.

Avoid acidic foods or drinks, but if you do eat or drink them, rinse your mouth thoroughly. Simply using water is fine for this. Also, avoid foods that are sticky like caramel. These types of foods can't be rinsed away, they must be brushed away.

After your snack, be sure to floss. That will help remove the food particles that are between your teeth. Rinsing after flossing is helpful for this.

When you do snack, try to snack on foods that will help to scrape your teeth like apples, carrots or celery. They will act like a toothbrush for you during the day. Above all, make sure that you don't get a dry mouth. Saliva is nature's way of cleaning your teeth.

Without saliva, food particles and acids left by eaten food or acidic drinks, will sit on your teeth and help to start the decay process. If you have questions about the best foods to eat to stimulate your saliva or naturally brush your teeth don't hesitate to ask us. We're here to help.
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